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    Through this portal you can:

    • 移动应用_百度百科:2021-1-10 · 移动应用Mobile Application的缩写是:MA。广义移动应用包含个人伍及伋业级应用。狭义移动应用指伋业级商务应用。移动应用不只是在手机上运行软件那么简单,它涉及到伋业信息化应用场景的完善、扩展,带来ERP的延伸,让ERP无所不在,通过 ...
    • Centres who are have previously had classroom training can purchase and take the YF E-Learning module. This is the training necessary to remain designated as a Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre (YFVC).
    • Access our new risk assessment in the travel health consultation module


    Please go to the Training Courses Page to purchase the courses available. You will need to register in order to purchase courses.

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